District Heating Project Of The Year web


Read the full article at KENSACONTRACTING.COM



The H&V News Awards judging panel described the Enfield tower block retrofit as, “a clear winner with demonstrable innovation, excellence in installation plus wide benefits to the client and residents.”

Dr Matthew Trewhella, Managing Director of Kensa Contracting, says:

The H&V News Award affirms this project’s place as one of the most significant and ground-breaking milestones for district heating, ground source technology and the renewable energy industry as a whole. Kensa’s district heating system architecture produces the multiple benefits of reduced fuel bills, energy security, electrification of heat, decarbonisation and reduction of particulate emissions. The Enfield project demonstrates that the system can be deployed rapidly and at large scale and represents a blueprint for the future of heating in tower blocks across London and the rest of the country.

Read the full article at KENSACONTRACTING.COM

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