Kensa Heat Pumps is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted in three categories in the H&V News Awards 2017 for its micro-district ground source heating solution for retrofit social housing.
Now in their 23rd year, the prestigious H&V News Awards are an annual celebration of excellence, forward thinking and the highest achievements across the HVAC and building services industry.
Kensa’s retrofit work with Trent & Dove Housing, Hanover Housing Association, and Bromford Housing Association has successfully saved tenants typically 50% in heating costs making a substantial impact on fuel poverty and carbon reduction targets.
The Kensa projects shortlisted in the H&V News Awards 2017 are:
- District Heating Project of the Year (with Trent & Dove Housing)
- Retrofit Project of the Year (with Hanover Housing Association)
- Renewable Project of the Year – Residential (with Bromford Housing Association)
The projects involved the replacement of night storage heaters with a Kensa Shoebox ground source heat pump fitted inside bungalows, houses and flats, with each of the heat pumps connected to ‘micro’ communal ground arrays, where two or more properties share a borehole.
The micro-district method removes the issues surrounding communal plantrooms and shared bills, and also creates access to upfront Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding via Kensa’s partnership with EDF Energy. This in addition to the Government’s Non Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI: this scheme has now closed – please visit this page to explore other funding), which combined with ECO allows the housing providers to fully recover their installation costs and create a regular income stream for 20 years to potentially fund other property improvement measures.
Simon Lomax, Managing Director of Kensa Heat Pumps, comments:
I am delighted that Kensa has been short-listed for three awards; it is a fitting tribute to our clients who have recognised our micro-district approach can deliver ground source heat pumps into the social housing sector at a very affordable cost so tenants can benefit from the lowest cost and lowest carbon heat.
This follows on from a number of recent nominations for Kensa’s micro-district ground source heat network solution, which has received accolades in the Regional Energy Efficiency & Retrofit Awards 2016, Regen SW Green Energy Awards 2016, and HVR Awards 2017, and is awaiting winner announcements in the National Housing Maintenance Forum Awards 2017, National ACR & Heat Pump Awards 2017, and Housing innovation Awards 2017.
Winners of the H&V News Awards will be announced on the 20th April 2017.